WoH Brochure – 1990s #1

See Original Brochure

A Few Questions and Answers about Wings of Hope

Who is Wings of Hope?

Stated most simply, Wings of Hope is people, volunteers, business and professional people who are committed to the Wings of Hope aviation program of humanitarian aid. Some raise money, some help with reconditioning airplanes for third world duty and some serve as volunteer pilot/mechanics in bush operations.

What is Wings of Hope?

Wings of Hope, Inc. is a charitable, aviation and communications support effort; a humanitarian corporation. It helps to provide air transportation and radio communication services to field medical personnel, world aid programs, missionaries, disaster relief, literacy, construction, agriculture and development. Wings of Hope helps the poorest of the poor to help themselves.

Where does Wings of Hope help?

Since 1965, the aircraft obtained and supported by Wings of Hope have operated in remote areas of Guatemala, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Canada, Panama, Brazil, Honduras, Peru, Alaska, Paraguay, Nigeria, Belize, Tanzania, Bolivia, Surinam, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Zaire, Mexico, Liberia, Kenya and the Pacific Trust Territories. The many services provided are as diverse as the areas served.

Why does Wings of Hope serve?

Wings of Hope is strictly non-sectarian. The motivation within the hearts of its many volunteers is a working example of America’s Judeo-Christian tradition of love, concern and justice. Each volunteer operates from a very private base, without the expectation of personal financial gain. Perhaps no single statement better presents the Wings of Hope spirit than: “Brotherhood Spreads on Wings of Hope” …

Does Wings of Hope Work with others?

Yes, Wings of Hope works with many groups on five continents. One motto often used states: “We compete only with the devil himself”.

When did Wings of Hope begin?

Wings of Hope was born in 1962 in the hearts of a few St. Louis business and professional men and women when they were confronted with the needs of a medical mission group serving in the Turkana Desert of Northwest Kenya, East Africa. There was a desperate need for a modern utility airplane. The area suffered drought, plague and famine; then flooding from the mountains in Uganda made the few existing roads impassable. Friends were enlisted, money was raised, and a six-place Cessna Skywagon was dispatched for field service there in April 1965.

In time, as the word spread and other humanitarian groups around the world sought aviation support, the planned one-airplane project became Wings of Hope.

In the quarter century of service, 77 aircraft, scores of volunteer pilot/mechanics, hundreds of radio/communication systems, countless parts, and extensive consulting services have been delivered in support of humanitarian, development and missionary efforts worldwide.

Are gifts to Wings of Hope Tax Deductible?

Yes, Wings of Hope, Inc. was declared tax exempt and eligible to receive tax deductible gifts under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS on January 17, 1969.

May I Help?

Yes, Wings of Hope needs you. You may help through volunteer efforts at home or abroad; through tax deductible gifts of cash, airplanes, avionics, real property, appreciated stock, equipment …
Your most important help might be introducing Wings of Hope to others who too will help.

  • Founded-1962
  • Non Profit
  • Tax Exempt
  • Non-Sectarian
  • Non-Political
  • Humanitarian

Serving the forgotten, hopeless, isolated and suffering in the remotest areas of the world.

Wings of Hope, Inc,
Suite 352
1750 So. Brentwood Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63144
Phone (314) 968-8833
(800) 4 HOPE 89

Maintenance Center-Spirit of St. Louis Airport

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